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Customer Sales Reporting

As a normal part of working with your customer base there will be times when you need to understand a customers buying habits by category. Counterpoint provides a report specifically for this purpose. The report is accessed via the following menu path.

  1. Sales Analysis…-> 3. Sales/Core Reports…-> 4. Customer Reporting…-> 2. Customer Sales_Returns

Which brings up the following screen.


Enter data into fields as follows.

1 Start Date – Enter date you would like analysis to begin –hit Enter to include all customer purchases.

4 End Date – Enter date of last day you wish to include in the analysis – hit enter to include all data.

7 Report Type – Enter one of the displayed options as appropriate to your need for this report.

8 Page -  Per Customer – Enter Y or N as appropriate.

9 Report On – Enter One of the displayed options as appropriate to your needs.

10 Use Actual or Jobber – Enter as appropriate to your needs.

12 Category – Enter category to be reported or hit [Enter] to report on all categories.

14 Counterman – Enter Counterman number to report or hit [Enter] to report on all Counterman sales.

15 Counterman Detail – Enter Y or N as appropriate to your needs.

16 Stores – Prompt will list the stores on your system by branch number. All will have default value of Y change to N as appropriate to your needs.

Fields 36 thru 74 – Enter customer account numbers of all customers you wish to see reported. Hit [Enter] to see all customers reported. Use the Tab key to launch a customer account search if you are unsure of the account number.

When you have entered all fields hit [F1] to run the program.

Report can be displayed on screen or printed out as appropriate to your intended usage.