Customer Price List
COUNTERPOINT® provides the user with an ability to produce customer specific price lists for a li...
Question – I am told that a line is (or will be) changing from Jobber to Net pricing what do I ne...
MSC / AMS Line Code to AMS Price Level
Product Line Line Description AMS Product Code Product Class Product Code Description ...
Price Multipliers
Part of the data required in setting up a new product line includes identifying the base price th...
Price Rounding
Overview Price Rounding is an option provided in COUNTERPOINT which if properly implemented can ...
Pricing Theory
COUNTERPOINT pricing while appearing to be complex is actually a matter of ensuring that three pi...
Troubleshooting (Real World Example)
Jobber states that non stocked part Carter P76148M is not pricing correctly. Prices as initially...
Updating Prices by %
Overview There are situations wherein prices need to be updated, across the board, by a percenta...