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V 1.4.6


This is a minor release based on some of the early feedback from version 1.4.4

Custom Reporting 

We have imported the remaining supplier data as well as introduced another report type

  • Supplier Sales - Similar to the customer sales, but tying Sales, Inventory and Supplier data

We have also imported some additional sales fields

  • Bin Location
  • Sell Price Level
  • Discount at time of sale

As well, the Inventory report has demand broken out by the last 12 months

New CPMailer Reports

  • Locked Items Report: The locked items report will report any items with a '*' locked price level assigned to them
  • Adjustments Report: The adjustments report will report any adjustments processed in the timeframe of your report
  • Invoice Summary Register: A copy of the nightly Counterpoint invoice summary register
  • Invoice Register: A copy of the nightly Counterpoint invoice register

New Prebuilt Reports

  • Specials Report - Full listing of specials
  • Items On Order Report - A copy of the Counterpoint Items On Order By Supplier report with a few additional fields.
  • Adjustment History: A detailed listing of inventory adjustments
  • Supplier Sales Analysis: A detailed analysis of items by supplier including sales, demand, purchase totals and values
  • Customer Aging Report: A detailed customer listing with aging information as well as credit limit and current credit rating
  • Buyer Sales Analysis: A detailed analysis of items by buyer including sales, demand, purchase totals and values
  • Critical Inventory Report: A listing of items currently considered in a 'critical' state:
    • Not enough inventory to last until the next order it set to arrive
    • Out of stock and not on order
    • Purchase orders past their required date

Bug Fixes & Behind the Scenes Updates

  • Fixed the historic sales report where the branch selection had been turned off
  • Corrected a situation where categories removed with the 'entire category delete' routine were not being dropped from the cloud platform
  • Fixed the outstanding PO report for scenarios where data was not being returned
  • Fixed bug that had the emailed lost sales report showing lost sales for the current period as well as the last comparative period.
  • Fixed a bug in the Supplier sales analysis that only showed items with purchasing