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New Features/Improvements

Added a "Fiscal Year" selection to time-based comparisons


Note: This relies on the "fiscalStart" setting, which defaults to "01-01". This setting is available under Server Settings in the CP2 Admin module.

Remove cash/retail accounts from Top Customers

The "Top Customers By Sales (GP%)" graph on the FlightDeck Dashboard now excludes accounts that are listed in the cashCustomers admin setting.

CPMailer Date Comparison Daily/Weekly Update

The CPMailer module now pulls same day of same week for its daily reports.

i.e. a Monday will always be compared to a Monday, and so on.

Additionally, weekly comparisons should now work correctly on years that have 53 weeks when they are compared to years with 52 weeks.

"Returns" CPMailer Block


A new CPMailer report block adds a list of returns to your nightly, weekly, or monthly email.

This report block may be temporary, as this information may become available as part of a bigger analysis on the COUNTERPOINT Cloud Platform at a later date.

Note: On a weekly or a monthly report, this block can get to be quite long.

New Custom Reports Fields

Sales Reports
  • Invoice Day of Week: The day of the week that the invoice was sold (Monday, Tuesday, etc..)
  • Invoice Hour: 

    The hour of the day that the invoice was sold (Represented in 24 hour format)
Inventory Reports
  • Avg Cost - Current: Average cost value of items that have been sold in the past 12 months
  • Avg Cost - No Sales in 1 year: Average cost value of items not sold in past 12 months, but sold in past 13-24 months.
  • Avg Cost - No Sales in 1 year: Average cost value of items not sold in past 24 months, but sold in past 25-36 months.
  • Avg Cost - No Sales over 3 years: Average cost value of items not sold in past 36 months.

Small Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where old files could be stuck cached in your browser, preventing you from loading the new version of a module
  • Updated the list of columns available in the Report Generator
  • Removed duplicate columns from being displayed in the Report Generator
  • Modified the Minimum and Maximum columns on an Inventory report to work properly with filters
  • Fixed the Quick Edit UI not displaying properly when editing a saved report
  • Restored the export buttons on the Old Stock Report table