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Transaction Processing

Transaction Input


Transaction process is used primarily to record charges or credits which do not affect inventory.  These are normally service charges, rebates, PST adjustment and the recording of NSF payments.  Any charge or credit to a customer that involves either the reduction or return of inventory should be completed through the appropriate billing module.

Sales reports will not reflect any charge or credit made through transaction processing to a customer.


Enter in the already existing customer number.  If you don’t know what it is, you can use the Search function by pressing [TAB].  Then enter in either the entire customer name or a portion of the customer name followed by the [­].  Then select the line number of the customer you desire to return it to the customer number field.

Transaction Type

Enter the appropriate code for which type of transaction you wish to process for this customer, [0] invoice, [1] service charge, [2] credit memo.

Invoice Number

If you are entering an invoice or credit note not connected to an existing invoice, then enter in a unique number (there are no duplicates allowed).  If you are entering a service charge [1], or a credit note [2] against an existing invoice/credit memo, then enter in the originating document/invoice number.

  1. Date

Today’s date is always the default, but you can over-ride this date if you need to.  Remember that every entry after the first one will default the date to what was entered on the previous record. 

  1. Reference

If there is a reference from the customer regarding this transaction, then enter it here.

  1. Amount

Enter in the amount of the transaction.  Remember that the system already knows which sign (+ or -) the transaction should be dependant upon what type you selected.  If you selected type [0] for invoices, you can make it a negative by typing in the amount with a [-].  If you are reversing a service charge using type [1], or issuing a credit to the customer using type [2], then the amount is not preceded by the [-] since the type already indicates that this is a reduction to the customer’s balance. 

  1. GL Distributions

Enter in the account number(s) you wish to distribute the transaction to.  You can have multiple lines of distribution.  You can not complete this section and exit until the total of the distribution is equal to the amount from above.  Tab to search functionality is available at the branch/account fields.

Enter in a full or partial name followed by the ­ for the account search.  If searching from the branch field, all accounts, regardless of location are displayed.  If searching from the account field, only those accounts associated with the previously entered branch number will be displayed.

Transaction Edit List


This (optional) program will create and print a Transaction Edit list of all transactions entered so that you can verify your entries before updating.  A GL Summary Edit list will also print, which totals the amounts that will be posted to the General Ledger during the Update process.

When you press [Return] to begin, the date and times that the process completes each step will be displayed.

Transaction Update


The start of any Update program begins with an extra screen display to alert you to the fact that the Update has been selected.  If you do not wish to continue, press [F2] to exit this screen and reply [N] to the next prompt.  If you do wish to continue, then press [ENTER] to get to the next step:

As with the Transaction Edit, once you have replied [Y] that you want to start the update, the date and times of each step will be displayed upon completion of that step.  You will receive a Transaction Journal and a GL Journal when all the steps are complete.  If the update fails to complete properly, please note any error message on the screen and contact the Support Department at AMS.  You will not be able to do another update until the problem is resolved.

APPLY Dating Terms


Enter in the already existing customer and invoice number with leading zeros if applicable.  If a match is found, then the rest of the information for date, reference and amount will be displayed.  You are asked to confirm that this is the correct invoice.

Use this screen to take the existing invoice and either spread the payment out over a period of time (called split terms or dated-out) or to advance the due date for the invoice as a whole.  A ‘new’ invoice number will be assigned to each split using the originating invoice followed by  -1, -2, -3 etc.  The date to be entered for each split is the date that the payment is due and the amount of that payment needs to be entered as well.  As soon as the amounts of each split total the originating invoice amount (when the ‘to allocate’ figure is 0.00), the system will automatically complete.  Press [F1] to accept what you have done or enter in the line number to change the values.

Internally, the system will write a Credit Memo to the original invoice and create entries on the customer account for each of these split (dated out) invoices.  A print out will be generated automatically identifying the original invoice and the new invoices.

If some of your invoices have been entered with dates for a future month, then they will not be picked up by the accounts receivable > ar month end > Balance Forward update process until the appropriate Month End.