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RF Gun User Guide - 2022

RF Gun Procedures

Login and password

The standard login of the RF gun is [rf]. Multiple store installations or sites with more than 1 rf gun will have custom logins that you will be advised of at the time of install.  The password matches the login.

Control Keys

  • CTRL A = to accept an entry
  • CTRL C = to switch between the barcode and part number fields
  • CTLR F = to move cursor to order quanity
  • CTRL I = to display last 12 months purchases
  • CTRL R = to reject an entry

3) Receive O/S P.O.

This option will list all of the outstanding Purchase orders on the system and will allow you to select one to be received. To select a P.O. simply select one of the three options, 0=PO, 3=NEXT and 9= QUIT. When you use option 0 you will be prompted to enter the PO number. The P.O. number to be received does not have to be displayed on the screen to enter the P.O. number. CTLR followed by R will take you back to the main menu.

The PO Listing screen could be bypassed if desired and the menu altered to go to the second screen to enter the PO Number with freight, brokerage and other costs

105053 NTN BEARING C  
105312 FLEETSPEC      
106325 MODERN SALES   
106372 MODERN SALES   
106771 DANA HEAVY VE  
106833 ZF CV SYSTEMS  
106923 MODERN SALES   
106931 GLOBAL PARTS-  
106933 GLOBAL PARTS-  
107041 DANA HEAVY VE  
107252 ZF CV SYSTEMS  
107253 BENDIX CVS CA  

0=PO,3=Next,9=Quit N  

When a PO Number has been selected the supplier will be displayed with the option to enter the freight, brokerage and other cost values.

po#  111346         

sup           GABRIEL RIDE CO

freight     .........

brokerage         .00

other costs       .00

The first question to be answered in the third screen is if you wish to use “Autoscan” Y or N.. The use of “Autoscan” prompts you to scan each item and it defaults the received quantity to 1 unit for each scan and then goes back to the barcode field for the next scan. Alternatively, if “Autoscan” is turned off N you will be prompted for a quantity each time you scan an item. You will have to accept each entry with CTRL followed by A.

If you are using the “Autoscan” mode you can correct the quantity after the item is scanned by pressing Tab or CTRL I. After entering the new quantity press CTRL A at “Any change” to accept the entry.

When not using Autoscan, the cursor will go to the “received” field after the barcode is scanned waiting for a quantity to be entered. The quantity entered will be ADDED to any previous quantity received. A negative quantity received can be used to correct an error.

If the quantity received is excess of the total quantity ordered for that part a message will display Over-receive?(Y/N) Y

po#  111364        
#lines/OS    6/    4
b/c  ...............
cat  ... ...........

.................... .................... PO line#     .....  units ord'rd ...... units rec'vd ...... back-ordered .     

Autoscan?          N

If the part scanned is to be cross docked to other branches a message will display near the bottom of the screen “CROSS DOCK” so the user can separate these parts for splitting to the branches during the update.

po#  111384        
#lines/OS    6/    6
b/c  700002354940  
PO line#         1 
units ord'rd    24 
units rec'vd       
back-ordered Y     
received     ......
CROSS DOCK                   

Pressing CTRL A at the barcode will start the completion process where you will be asked “update now?” where the options are Y or N. When answered with an “N” the user is asked if they wish to print the Edit List.

When starting the update, the next option is to enter the invoice number.

If the PO included parts for cross dock, these parts will be shown with the split quantities for each location. This information is to be used to separate the parts received for the various locations. If the part is not received in full the user will need to allocate the quantity received to the locations based on their needs. The quantity allocated to a branch CANNOT exceed the original quantity ordered. If a branch requires more than has been ordered for them, a manual transfer will need to be created to send the additional amount.

cat GAB order    56
rec    56          
         split   56
br order  o/h  split
01    18    5    18
02     0    0      
03     8    0     8
05     0    8      
06    30    9    30
08     0   25      
09     0    0      
10     0    0      

After all of the quantity splits have been reviewed the update process will begin and the various update reports printed. Also, Stock Transfers for the split quantities will be printed during the update process.