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Transaction Input

Transaction Input


There are a number of types of transactions that are available from this input screen.  Invoices and credits from the vendor are type [0] and the default if you simply press [ENTER].  Type [1] will allow you to enter a reversing transaction to an existing invoice and type [2] is used to record manual cheques against an existing invoice.

Type 0 - Invoice

  1. Vendor

Enter in the vendor account number or use the search function by pressing [TAB].  If you are using the search, enter in all or a portion of the vendor name followed by an [­], then select the line number associated with the correct vendor in order to copy it back to the input screen. 

If you are entering a number of invoices for the same vendor, you can press [ENTER] at this field to default to the last vendor number you entered.

  1. Type

There are a number of types of transactions that you are able to do from this input screen.  Invoices from the vendor are type [0] and the default if you simply press [ENTER].

  1. Invoice

This is the vendor’s invoice number and can be either numeric or alphanumeric, up to 10 characters in length.  The system will check to see if the same invoice number has been previously used for the same vendor and will then disallow its entry.  However, it is possible to enter the same vendor/invoice number combination in the same batch, so caution is required.

  1. Invoice date

This is the date the invoice was issued by the vendor.  It is used in the calculation of the due date, either with number of days or proximo days (a specific date in the month following) depending on how the flag is set in 9. SYSTEM UTILITIES… à 3. SYSTEM SETUP… à 2. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE… à 1. SYSTEM parameterS.  The default date (what you get when you press [ENTER] through a field) is always today’s date.

  1. Reference

This is usually your own Purchase Order number, but the field is free form and could also remain blank.

  1. Payment days

The system will check the pAYMENT due day field that you have previously set up vendor record in 2. Accounts payable… à 1. DATA maintenance… à 1. vendor maSTER and use it as the default.  If there are special terms for this particular invoice, then the payment days may be changed, either by altering the days field (number or proximo) field or by changing the actual date.

  1. DiscOUNT days

Following the same format as the payment days field, you can change this date or enter in the number of days in order to reflect the date that the payment is required by the vendor in order to receive the early payment discount.

  1. FinANCIAL period

In an Open Payables system, invoices may be posted or assigned to more than one financial period.  While you can not backdate an invoice to a previously closed financial period, you may assign the invoice to a future period.  You may not assign invoices to different financial periods within the same batch.  If that becomes necessary, enter the invoices for one period; print the transaction edit List to check the entries and then transaction update to complete the processing.  Then you may continue with the entry of invoices for the next financial period.

  1. Invoice amount

Enter the total of the invoice, including any taxes or shipping and freight surcharges.

  1. FedERAL tax amount

Press [ENTER] through the % field to default to the percentage of GST that is charged on this invoice.  The amount of GST will be calculated.  If the calculated amount is the same as on the vendor invoice, continue entry.  If the amount calculated for GST is different than that of the vendor invoice, use the [f4] to return to the GST amount field, change it and continue. 

  1. Penalties

Enter in the appropriate penalty code if you are using this feature as determined by the penalties? field in 9. SYSTEM UTILITIES… à 3. SYSTEM SETUP… à …2. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE à 1. SYSTEM parameterS.  You can accept the calculated amount or percentage and amount set up from the codes in Penalties Maintenance, or change them as you wish.

Dist amount

This is the amount that needs to be distributed in the next section and is the subtotal of the fields above.  It is a calculated field and may not be changed.

  1. Discount 1
  2. Discount 2

These fields will default to the percentages that have been set up in 2. Accounts payable à 1. DATA  maintenance à 1. Vendor MaSTER and are applied to the invoice when the cheque date is on or prior to the discount date.  The GL account number for discounts is set up in 9. SYSTEM UTILITIES à 3. SYSTEM SETUPà 2. Accounts payable à 1. SYSTEM ParameterS, so there is no need to specify that account in the next section.

Net amount

This is the total of the invoice amount, plus taxes and penalties; minus any discounts and will be the same as the amount to distribute.  This amount may not be changed.

To distribute

The system will always calculate the net amount required to be distributed to the General Ledger and will not allow the transaction to be accepted for updating until the to distribute amount is at 0.00

  1. Br / Account

Enter the branch number (or just press [ENTER] for the default branch and then enter the account number you wish to have the invoice distributed to.  If the default GL dist acct field has been set up on the vendor record in 2. Accounts payable à 1. DATA maintenance à 1. vendor maSTER, pressing [ENTER] here will default to that account.  However, you can enter in any valid account number.  This is NOT the Accounts Payable account number, by default that account is used automatically.

The tab search routines are available at the GL distribution (branch and account) fields.  A tab in the br field will mean that the search will return accounts from all branches (for multiple branchs).  A tab at the account field will return accounts from just the entered branch.

Job no / D / PO number

Reserved for future use

  1. Amount

Either press [ENTER] to apply the entire net amount of the invoice to the indicated account, or enter in the amount you wish to apply, then repeat until the to distribute amount is 0.00. 

Type 1 – Debit Memo

Only fields that are different from Type [0] are listed here

  1. Type

For this section, the type is [1], indicating a debit memo, which reduces the amount owed to this vendor. 

  1. Invoice

The invoice number must already have been posted for this vendor and the number entered here must exactly match the one that is on file, including leading zeros or spaces. 

  1. Invoice amount

Enter the total of the debit memo, but do NOT enter with a [] as the system already knows the sign of the document.

Type 2 – Manual Cheque

Only fields that are different from type [0] are listed here.  Manual cheques are used to immediately record hand-written cheques, usually when you have to pay only one or two invoices that have previously been entered and updated to the vendor account.

  1. Type

For this section, the type is [2], indicating a manual cheque.

  1. Invoice

The invoice number must already have been posted for this vendor and the number entered here must exactly match the one that is on file, including any leading zeros or spaces. The remaining fields are defaulted to the values from the originating invoice.

  1. Reference

At the chg Hdr? prompt, enter in the field number for the Reference and enter in your cheque number.  The same cheque number can be used to record the payment for more than one invoice. 

  1. Br / Account

Press [enter] at the branch and account fields unless you wish to change the entry from the default GL account for the bank as set up in 9. SYSTEM UTILITIES à 3. SYSTEM SETUPà 2. Accounts payable à 1. SYSTEM ParameterS   

Match P.O. Receipts


When a vendor invoice or credit has been received for goods processed through Purchasing or Returned Goods, the new menu option 2. accounts Payable à 4. Transaction Processing à 2. Match PO Receipts may be used to process the transaction and update the vendor account (in place of transaction processing à transaction input). 

Transactions created in Match PO Receipts are updated to the vendor accounts in the same manner as regular Accounts Payable transactions using 2. Accounts Payable à 4. Transaction Processing à 4. Transaction Update.  If there are regular A/P transactions not yet updated on file, they will be updated to the vendor account at the same time.  Match PO transactions look identical to regular transactions on the vendor account. They also update to the General Ledger in the same way.  The GL Summary Journal from 2. Accounts Payable à 4. Transaction Processing à 4. Transaction Update will show the offsetting entry to the A/P Clearing Account.

  1. po number

Press [enter] to bypass the field and enter the AP vendor number instead. 

  1. vendor

Enter the vendor number to search the available purchase orders, the branch and date range are also required.

  1. branch

Enter the branch for the purchase order

  1. date from
  2. date to

Enter the date range ([enter] for the default dates).

A list of all unbilled PO’s available for the vendor and entered date range will be displayed.  Select from the list each packing slip (one or more) that is to be matched.  The amount shown on the screen is the total available for that packing slip.  If the total amount is not what is being invoiced, enter the amount, and the detail for that packing slip is displayed to allow the selection of individual lines for that packing slip.

Continue until all desired packing slips have been accounted for, then press [f1] to return to the invoicing screen.   When the header is accepted, the system will search for the originating transaction within the Purchasing system and automatically fill in the rest of the fields.  Enter the invoice number and make any changes that may be required.  Accept the entry with [F1].  Multiple AP invoices/credits are possible for the same PO until the total amount of the PO/RGM has been recorded as invoiced/credited.  Once fully invoiced, an RGM or PO may not be not be used again in this function.

Transactions created in Match PO Receipts are updated to the vendor accounts in the same manner as regular Accounts Payable transactions using 2. Accounts Payable à 4. Transaction Processing à 4. Transaction Update.  If there are regular A/P transactions not yet updated on file, they will be updated to the vendor account at the same time.  Match PO transactions look identical to regular transactions on the vendor account. They also update to the General Ledger in the same way.  The GL Summary Journal from 2. Accounts Payable à 4. Transaction Processing à 4. Transaction Update will show the offsetting entry to the A/P Clearing Account.

Transaction Edit List


The Edit List process creates and prints the Transaction Edit List to provide you with the opportunity to check your work before proceeding.  A GL Summary edit list will also print.

Transaction Update


The Accounts Payable and General Ledger files are updated according to the information entered in transaction process à transaction Input and verified with the Edit List.  Reports for the Transaction Update and General Ledger Summary Journal are printed.