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Data File Maintenance

Vendor File Maintenance



Enter in a vendor number that is up to 6 numbers in length.  The vendor number may only be a numeric number.  The number may be entered with or without leading zeros, there is no difference to the system between entering 000509 and just 509. 

If you are adding vendors with a particular numbering sequence, you may use the [tab] to search by vendor name.  Use ­(asterisk) to list all vendors in numerical order.  Or you may use the first letter of the vendor name followed by ­(asterisk) to list those specific vendors in numerical order.  Once you determine the desired number to be used for the new vendor, you may either [f2] to return to the entry screen and enter it in manually, or you may enter it on this screen and be automatically returned to the entry screen.

During the addition of the vendor record, the user will be asked if the new vendor should also be added to Purchasing as a supplier.  If the response is [Y], then the system will check to ensure that the number to be used is not already in existence within Purchasing.  If a supplier with the same number does not already exist, then a new supplier record will be automatically created, copying over the vendor name, address and telephone numbers previously entered into the vendor record.  Then the remainder of the supplier fields can be set up.  Once accepted, the user will be returned to the add vendor screen. 

Wherever possible, purchasing suppliers and accounts payable vendors should be set up with the same number, but it should be noted that changes to fields on the vendor record in Accounts Payable will not affect corresponding fields on the supplier record in Purchasing.

  1. Name
  2. Address
  3. POSTAL code

Enter the vendor name and address, including postal code exactly in the format that is to appear on cheques.   You may wish to use the last address line for the postal code if you are concerned about the window placement on your envelopes.  There is no formatting for this field so if you prefer spaces, you must enter them.  For American suppliers, the zip code may be entered with or without dashes as you prefer.

  1. Phone NUMBER

Enter in the phone number without spaces or dashes.  The phone number entered as 4445556666 will be displayed and printed as (444) 555-6666 during entry and on reports.

  1. Fax NUMBER

Enter the fax number in the same manner as the phone number.

  1. Balance

This field is never available for change.  It is updated from the processing of transactions and cheques and is the current amount that is owing to this vendor.

  1. Purch ytd
  2. # of purch
  3. last purch
  4. memos ytd
  5. # of memos

These fields are normally not changed by the user, however, during initial set-up, you may wish to enter this information.  These fields are updated by transactions and cheques made to this vendor. 

  1. hold?
  2. Hold expiry DATE

These fields display the hold status of the account that has been set in Automatic Cheque Processing à set vendor (or invoice) hold status.  They are not accessible from this screen.

  1. contact

This is an optional field.  Enter the name of the Accounts Receivable person at this company.

  1. remarks

This is an optional field used for information only.  Enter any free-form message of up to 40 characters in length.

  1. Fin year end

Enter the day and month of the vendor’s fiscal year end in this reference field (for info only).

  1. Discount taken
  2. Discount lost

These fields are not available for change by the user.  They are updated from cheques processed for this vendor.  If prompt payment terms are in place and cheques have been issued in time to qualify for those discounts, then the amount of the discount is applied to the Discount Taken field.  On the other hand, if prompt payment terms apply and the cheque to the vendor has not been in time to qualify for that discount, that amount is recorded in the Discount Lost field.

  1. G/L dist acct

If the part or service purchased from this vendor is always applied or expensed to the same General Ledger account, enter the number here. During accounts payable à transaction processing à Transaction Input, pressing [Enter] in the distribution area will default to this account number, reducing the number of keystrokes required. 

In the case where the vendor is also a supplier of product for re-sale, then this account number should be the clearing account number set up in the 9.system utilities  à 7. purchasing  à 3. purchasing parameters reset àScreen 2. system configuration screen. 

Notes for accounting personnel regarding inventory:

When inventory is received, the inventory account as set up in the associated 6.inventory  à  1. data maintenance à 1. master files à 1. category master record is increased (debited).  The opposite entry is to the clearing account (credited).

When the invoice has been received from the vendor, the distribution will remove the amount from the clearing account (debited) and increase (credited) the amount to the accounts payable control account. 

When the inventory is sold, the value of the inventory account is reduced (credited) and the expense called cost of goods sold is increased (debited).

  1. PAYMENT due day

Depending on how the 9. system utilities  à 3. system setup à 2. accounts payable à 1. system Parameters file is set-up, this field either indicates the number of days old that an invoice should be before payment is required, or on which day of the month following the invoice is due.  The due date for an individual invoice can be changed during 2. accounts payable à 4. transaction processing à 1. Transaction Input

  1. discount 1
  2. discount 2
  3. DiscOUNT inclUDE GST

These fields control how the prompt payment discounts work for this vendor. When the invoice is paid prior to the discount date entered during 2. aCCOUNTS payable à 4. transaction processing à 1. Transaction Input, these are the default discount amounts that will be applied to the invoice.  Normally, discounts do not apply to the gross value of an invoice, but the net of GST amount of the invoice, so the field called disc incl gst should be set to [N]

  1. gst rate

If your vendors have been converted from another accounting package to counterpoint,  field may be blank (all spaces).  If that is the case, the GST rate from 9. system utilities  à 3. system setup à 2. accounts payable à 1. system Parameters will be used.  There is no need to change the value.

  1. edi vendor
  2. edi always

Both these fields are reserved for future use.

Tab Set

The TAB SET function can be a useful tool in making repetitious changes to a single field or to multiple fields.

If you want to change the value in a field regardless of what the current value is, then enter in that field number.  If you need to check the current value of the field prior to making the change, enter in the field number before and then the field you want to change.  In other words, if you want to change field [32] and you want to see what the current value is first, enter in 31 [enter] and then [32] [enter].  After each field number is entered, press [enter].  After all the field numbers that require changing are entered, [F1] to accept your choices.

Some field numbers will not be accessible to you for change due to their function within the software. 

After acceptance of your field choices, you will be prompted for the vendor number.  Pressing [F7] will bring up the first record on file.  You will be brought to the first field you requested.  If there is a no change to be made to any of the fields on this record, reject with [F2] and request the next record with [F7].  If there is a change to this field, make it now and press [enter] to either move to the next requested field or to the any change prompt.  Once at the any change prompt, if the changes made are correct, [F1] to accept, then [F7] to request the next record. 

You may [F2] to exit at any time, either in the middle of a record (the changes will not take effect) or instead of pressing [F7] for the next record.  Any changes that you’ve made and accepted with [F1] will be kept.  You may start again at any time, but you will have to re-select your requested fields.

Parameter File Maintenance

The parameter file is generally set-up by AMS personnel during the initial installation of the Accounts payable system.  It is advised that no changes to it take place after the initial options have been chosen without first checking with AMS.

The 9. system utilities… à 3. system setup… à 2. accounts payable… à 1. system parameters File contains the GL information required by the system to correctly update the General Ledger.  All transactions posed through AP find their way to the GL.  The Parameters File ensures that all transactions are processed with a minimum of keystrokes.  This file also stores the current GL period

  1. A/P account

This is the liability account in the General Ledger where all outstanding invoices accumulate until paid.

  1. Discount earned account

Any discounts taken from supplier/vendor invoices are posted to this GL account.

  1. Bank account

This is the default GL account to record the payment of invoices.

  1. Gst credit acct

This account is updated with the amount of the GST on posted vendor invoices.

  1. Penalties account

If penalties are charged against a vendor, the amount of the penalty is updated to this account.

  1. Financial period

This period is the current month according to the AP system.  Entries may be updated to a future period, but not a prior period.  It is updated when the  2. ACCOUNTS PAYABLEà 8. month end processing  à5. ap month end update procedure has completed.

  1. Cheque run date

This field is updated with each cheque run.  When the 2. accounts Payable…à8. Month End processing… à5.    ap month end update procedure is run this date is also updated. Cheques can not be dated for

any date prior to today’s date.

  1. last cheque no.

The system keeps track of the cheque numbers that are used in the 2.Accounts payable… à 6.automatic cheque processing steps. 

  1. minimum cheque

In the case where a cheque amount is too low to print a cheque for, enter that number here. Entering 100 (for $1.00) here means that any cheque valued at less than $1.00 will not be printed but deferred until the value is greater than $1.00.  This field may be over-ridden when completing the 2.accounts payable… à 6.automatic cheque processing… à4.cheque calculation step.

  1. last misc cheque

The 2.accounts payable… à5.Miscellaneous cheques processing function is usually used to record hand-written cheques.  These cheques would have a separate numbering sequence from those used in automatic cheques.

  1. Gst rate

Enter in the current GST rate as 600 (6%)

  1. Days Type

You may select the type of payment terms; either proximo (a specific date in the next month) or days (number of days old) for payment to be due.  If you enter [D], then when the vendor is added, the Pmt Due Day field will mean which Date in the following month will the default due day be.  If you enter in [#], then the Pmt Due Date field in the Vendor file will be the number of days after the date of the invoice the due date will be.  Only one of the two options may be chosen and works as a company wide default.  There is no ability to change a vendor to have the opposite method.

The next three fields are used in conjunction with the 2. accounts payable…à 4.transaction processing… à2. Match PO receipts function.  They indicate the type and amount of variance allowed before needing authorization.

  1. type
  2. base
  3. value

Reserved for future use.

  1. Penalties

A contract with a vendor may sometimes have penalties included for failure to supply.  Indicate with [y] or [n] if you will use this feature.

  1. default cancel?

In the 2.accounts payable …à reconciliation… à reconciliation input function, you can have the cheques automatically set to a cleared [y] status and then alter the status for the ones that did not clear.  Or, if you set this flag to [n], then the status on the cheques will be not cleared and the status will have to be changed for the ones that have cleared.  This option can be changed at a later date if you feel the alternative is a better option.

  1.  New cheques
  2. g/l cheque detail

Penalty Code Maintenance

  2. code

Enter either a letter or number for this penalty.

  1. name

Enter a description of the penalty. 

  1. type

The penalty can be a percentage [%] or a dollar value [$]

  1. Rate

Enter the percentage rate or dollar value that will be discounted from any invoice tagged with this penalty code.

History Data Purge

  1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE…à1. DATA MAINTENANCE…à3. history data purge

History is kept for all vendor invoices and their associated payments in a separate file. 

  1. Prior to date

Enter the date up to which you wish to purge.  Entering [2009 12 31] will mean that all history for the specified vendor up to that date will be removed.  Any history in the year 2010 and subsequent will be retained.

  1. Vendor

Enter the number of the vendor for which you wish to purge history, or press [enter] for all vendors.