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Salesrep Goal

The Salesrep Goal offers a quick glance at your progress towards your primary goal.

For a more detailed description, check out the chapter on Goals.

The FlightDeck Dashboard offers a quick visual representation of your progress towards a monthly goal, or an annual goal with two monthly views.

For a monthly goal, the only gauge you will see represents your total progress towards that goal. As you near the right side of the gauge and the gauge turns a stronger colour of green, you are nearing 100% completion of your set target.

For an annual goal, the large gauge represents your total progress towards that goal. In addition, two smaller gauges represent your progress towards that goal for this month (using comparative data from the previous year) as well as how you did in the last completed month.

Although you may have many goals set up on your account, we only have room to display one on the FlightDeck Dashboard. Therefore, we use the oldest goal that hasn't completed yet, as that is likely to be your next completed goal. For a view of all your goals, click the "View/Edit Goals" link in the top right section of the panel.