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MTD Summary

The MTD Summary currently offers 6 quick glances at your personal sales on a month-over-month basis. Each one of these stats is referred to as a "tile", and appear in numerous places throughout the Counterpoint Cloud Platform.

All "% From last month" values are calculated up to the current day of the month.

For example: if today is July 15th, the main values are calculated based on sales from July 1st to July 15th, while the "From last month" values are calculated based on sales from June 1st to June 15th.

Because of this, you may see fluctuations throughout the week as the number of business days elapsed in a month will differ as weekends occur.

Total Invoices

Total Invoices
The total invoices is calculated based on all sales tied to your Salesrep ID for the given month, where the total value of the invoice is greater than 0. For invoices with more than one line item each invoice number is only counted once.

Total Invoice Lines

The total invoice lines are calculated based on all sales tied to your Salesrep ID for the given month, where the total value of the invoice is greater than 0. For invoices with more than one line item, each line item is counted towards this total.

Quantity Sold

The total quantity sold is calculated based on all sales tied to your Salesrep ID for the given month, where the total value of the invoice is greater than 0. For each line, the quantity value is added to this total.

Total Sales

The total quantity sold is calculated based on all sales tied to your Salesrep ID for the given month, where the total value of the invoice is greater than 0. For each line, the total line value is added to this total.

Avg GP%

The Average GP% is calculated based on all sales tied to your Salesrep ID for the given month, where the total value of the invoice is greater than 0. This value is calculated by taking the value from the Total Sales tile, subtracting the cost of all the sold items, and then dividing by the Total Sales tile value.

Online Sales

The total quantity sold is calculated based on all sales tied to your Salesrep ID for the given month, where the total value of the invoice is greater than 0, and the clerk associated with the sale is autoecat.